Thinktecture IdentityServer v3 LogOut for Implicit flow -

how id_token implicit token pass in id_token hint logout implicit flow or there way? have end point /connect/endsession? id_token_hint=

not sure how id_token implict flow access_token , expiration. there setting in idsvr?

there's 3 components this.

first ensure you're requesting id_token identity server when you're configuring oidc authentication in startup.cs (as mentioned @leastprivilege above):

app.useopenidconnectauthentication(new openidconnectauthenticationoptions {      authority = "https://localhost:44301/",      ...      responsetype = "id_token token", //(here's request id_token!) 

secondly, using oidc notifications & after security token validated add id_token user's claims:

notifications = new openidconnectauthenticationnotifications                 {                     securitytokenvalidated = async n =>                     {                          var nid = new claimsidentity(                             n.authenticationticket.identity.authenticationtype,                             constants.claimtypes.givenname,                             constants.claimtypes.role);                          // userinfo data                         var userinfoclient = new userinfoclient(                             new uri(n.options.authority + "/" + constants.routepaths.oidc.userinfo),                             n.protocolmessage.accesstoken);                          var userinfo = await userinfoclient.getasync();                => nid.addclaim(new claim(ui.item1, ui.item2)));                          // keep id_token logout (**this bit**)                         nid.addclaim(new claim(constants.tokentypes.identitytoken, n.protocolmessage.idtoken));                          n.authenticationticket = new authenticationticket(                             nid,                   ;                 }, 

finally, on redirect signout (also notification event) add id_token protocol message:

            redirecttoidentityprovider = n =>             {                 if (n.protocolmessage.requesttype == openidconnectrequesttype.logoutrequest)                 {                     var idtokenhint = n.owincontext.authentication.user.findfirst(constants.tokentypes.identitytoken);                      if (idtokenhint != null)                     {                         n.protocolmessage.idtokenhint = idtokenhint.value;                     }                 }                  return task.fromresult(0);             } 

you'll need ensure setup postlogoutredirecturis on client within identity server:

    new client     {         enabled = true,         clientname = "(mvc) web app",         clientid = "mvc",         flow = flows.implicit,         postlogoutredirecturis = new list<string>         {             "https://localhost:44300/" //(** client's url**)         }      } 

that ensure give user option return authorised client when log out :)

all of pretty per mvc sample @

bit more asked helps else who's trying figure out :)


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