javascript - How to access data passed to the jade during compilation? -

here code i've written in gruntfile.js pass json file jade.

 compile: {             files: {              // files             },             options: {                 pretty: true,                  // passing .json file data jade                 data: grunt.file.readjson("./src/jade/config.json")             } 

how access data in .jade files? i've looked around couldn't found solution.

the data pass map of key-value pairs. can use jade syntax use values associated key names.

for instance, if data be:

{ "key1": "value1",   "key2": "value2" } 

then following template:

div= key1 div text #{key2} 

would render:

<div>value1</div> <div>some text value2</div> 

the reference in jade documentation, in string interpolation chapter.


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