php - How to import a csv file to mysql -

hello i'm trying import csv file update's every 12 hours.

the format

my code this

// fastest way load large amounts of data mysql

$sql = "load data infile '$filename'   table `cyberst_csgo`.`items`   fields terminated '\t' lines terminated '\n'"; 

i want take example ak-47 | aquamarine revenge (battle-scarred) , sent in table cyberst_csgo query "name" , 21.53 in query "cost" , 1436821250 query "lastupdated"

any idea how it?

it has chance of working ultimately. facing timeout @ php side of things.

if case options include

a. my.cnf change such as

wait_timeout = 3600 interactive_timeout = 3600 

you're on hook actual values. , mysql restart.

b. connection-level not mysql server level tweaking of time-out

c. smaller batches import not massive 1tb file


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