go - syntax error: unexpected name, expecting semicolon or newline -
i don't understand why code has syntax error.
package main import ( "fmt" "os/exec" "time" ) func ping(curl_out string) endtime int64 { try_curl := exec.command("curl", "localhost:8500/v1/catalog/nodes") try_curl_out := try_curl.output() try_curl_out == curl_out { try_curl := exec.command("curl", "localhost:8500/v1/catalog/nodes") try_curl_out := try_curl.output() } endtime := time.now().unix() return endtime } func main() { run_container := exec.command("docker", "run", "-p", "8400:8400", "-p", "8500:8500", "-p", "8600:53/udp", "-h", "node1", "progrium/consul", "-server", "-bootstrap") container_id, err := run_container.output() if err != nil { fmt.println(err) return } run_curl := exec.command("curl", "localhost:8500/v1/catalog/nodes") curl_out, err := run_curl.output() if err != nil { fmt.println(err) return } endtime := go ping(string(curl_out)) container_id, err = exec.command("docker", "stop", container_id) if err != nil { fmt.println(err) return } startime := time.now().unix() fmt.println("delay is", endtime-startime) } # command-line-arguments ./main.go:9: syntax error: unexpected name, expecting semicolon or newline ./main.go:11: non-declaration statement outside function body ./main.go:15: non-declaration statement outside function body ./main.go:16: non-declaration statement outside function body ./main.go:17: non-declaration statement outside function body ./main.go:18: syntax error: unexpected }
this code calculates time between docker start , stop. use routine return end time.
endtime := go ping(string(curl_out))
i think it's wrong. how can use keyword go?
in go, decelerate statement outside function body?
there's 2 primary issues (and many unrelated).
first, need parenthesize named return parameters
func ping(curl_out string) (endtime int64) {
second, can't assign return value of goroutine. it's executed asynchronously in entirely new context. use channel communicate between goroutines
you declare ping function like:
func ping(curl_out string, endtime chan<- int64) {
and pass in channel on receive value
ch := make(chan int64) go ping(string(curl_out), ch) endtime <- ch
(though there no point in case using goroutine, since want value synchronously)
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