VB.Net how to make a Key Selection Button -

since last post incredibly informative, , people seemed wrong idea of wanted make, figured detailed version here. in last post, mentioned should enter code, would, would, issue is, i've been working on every way can possibly think past day, scouring google, writing things make logical sense don't, no results, point deleted code , decided start fresh. here pseudo code of want try , do.

  1. the user has button on interface saying '< click , press >
  2. they click button , button changes it's text '< press key! >'
  3. they push key on keyboard, let's use 'k' example, , button displays virtual keycode of key. being '75' button display '75'.
  4. this gets stored in variable can later exported txt document. (i know how part of it.)

i hope sort of clears of confusion happened in last post.

a couple of pages might help...

control.keyup event
keyeventargs class


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