jquery - How to Bind JQueryDataTable on Ajax call -

i want bind jquerydatatable on 1 jquerydatatable's column click on same page ajax.here code of both jquerydatatables. , @ start want 2nd table display "no data" untill first table's column click.please guide me enter image description here

<script type="text/javascript">     $(function () {          function drawtable() {             var props = null;             binddatatable({ allowpaging: true, showfilter: false, showeditlink: true, emptytabletext: 'no data found', sortindex: 0, sortdirection: "asc" },                               "#tblqueues",                               "@url.action("getallqueues", "queue")",                               props,                               [{ name: "id", cellclass: "aligncenter", sortable: true, index: 0 }, { }],                               [{ name: "id", type: "anchor", title: 'queuetable', displaypropname: 'name', viewtitle: 'view', link: '@url.action("queuetickets", "queue")', index: 0 }]);         }          drawtable();      });      </script> 
