What's the service name mesos-dns provides to access Cassandra when using the Cassandra-mesos framework? -

we're using modified community mesosphere cluster. has mesos-dns installed - can resolve master.mesos, , x.marathon.mesos, no problem. question name should use access cassandra database (whether cqlsh or application)?

i've found following in documentation: cassandra-dcos-node.cassandra.dcos.mesos (https://docs.mesosphere.com/services/cassandra/) if change cluster name (to say, "foo")? bit gets modified? i've played around combos, haven't worked out.

in case of cassandra running on dcos (which docs refer to) cluster name dcos. framework name registered mesos cassandra.dcos. task name running cassandra server cassandra.dcos.node,

if change cluster name "foo", framework name cassandra.foo , server task names cassandra.foo.node.

to access "foo" cassandra cluster use cassandra-foo-node.cassandra.foo.mesos.

now explanation of how:

the dns names created mesos-dns follow specific schema, of can found in official documentation[1].

to summarize documentation here, mesos-dns creates dns name following format: taskname.frameworkname.mesos.

in case of cassandra task name cassandra.dcos.node mesos-dns turns cassandra-dcos-node since doesn't . in task names. framework name cassandra.dcos allowed have . in stays same. , mesos default value tld.

when put altogether cassandra-dcos-node.cassandra.dcos.mesos.

the original intent have name of node.dcos.cassandra.mesos due time constraints , misunderstanding of how mesos-dns worked, we're left with. can cleaned in future.

[1] http://mesosphere.github.io/mesos-dns/docs/naming.html


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