html - Scroll bar pages conflicting with banner elements positioning -

i wondering how stop these elements moving when navigate page scroll bar. i've noticed elements move if select page scroll bar. here mean. thinking of somehow forcing scroll bar appear on pages i'm not sure how , i'd rather see if there different solution first. if me i'd appreciate it. if there's more code need let me know , can add question.

thanks, grant

here css banner/header , nav bar

/*top banner section*/  #banner { height: 100px;     position: relative;}  #logo {position:relative; top: -90px; left:700px;}  #ip_box {          width:210px;          height:43px;          background:#212121;                           color: white;          font-size: 15px;          bottom: 10px;          left: 77px;          position: absolute;}  #ip_text {bottom: 11px;           left: 64px;                   color: white;           position:absolute;}  #teamspeak_box {width:159px;                 height:43px;                 background:#212121;                 bottom: 10px;                 right: 76px;                 position: absolute;}  #teamspeak_box_2 {width:43px;                   height:43px;                   background:#313131;                   bottom: 10px;                   right: 191px;                   position:absolute;}  #teamspeak_text {color: white;                  bottom: 21px;                  right: 66px;                  position: absolute;}            #teamspeak_image {bottom: 9px;                  right: 104px;                 position: absolute;}  #red_bar {border-bottom: 5px solid #c62828; bottom: 190px; position:relative;}  /*top nav bar section*/  * {margin: 0px;    padding: 0px;}  #nav_bar {background-color: #313131;           height: 45px;           text-align: center;           position:relative;}  #nav_bar ul {padding: 0;}  #nav_bar > ul > li {display: inline-block;}  #nav_bar ul > li > {color: white;                       display: block;                       text-decoration: none;                       font-weight: normal;                       padding-left: 15px;                       padding-right: 15px;                       line-height: 45px;                       transition: 0.5s ease;}  #nav_bar ul li ul {display: none;                    list-style: none;                    position: absolute;                    background: white;                    margin-left:0px;                    box-shadow: 0px 1px 5px;                    text-align: left;                    z-index:1;}  #nav_bar ul li {background-color: #212121;}  #nav_bar ul li:hover ul li {line-height: 2em;}  #nav_bar ul li a:hover {background: #212121; transition: 0.5s ease; }  #nav_bar ul li:hover ul {display: block;}  #nav_bar ul li ul li {color: #000000;                         display: block;}  #nav_bar ul li ul li a:hover {background: #1565c0;                               color: white; transition: 0.5s ease;} 

add overflow-y: scroll body element, force scroll bar display.
