sql - Fluent Linq: Get he contents of Table1 where entry in Table2 -

using linq fluent syntax, how contents of table1 using foreign key table 2. example given tables

tblpropertyextras       tblextra  propertyextraid         extraid propertyid              extraname extraid 

i trying equivalent of sql

select tblextra.* tblpropertyextras  inner join tblextra     on tblpropertyextras.extraid  = tblextra.extraid propertyid = 1234 

(extra part :is there converter sql linq can use while annoyingly bad linq?)

this should work you:-

var result = db.tblpropertyextras.join(db.tblextra,                                        pe => pe.extraid,                                        e => e.extraid,                                        (pe, e) => new { pe, e })                                  .where(x => x.pe.propertyid == 1234)                                  .select(x => x.e); 

although not fan of method syntax when comes joins. prefer query syntax instead:-

var result1 = pe in db.tblpropertyextras               join e in db.tblextra               on pe.extraidequals e.extraid               pe.propertyid == 1234               select e; 
