javascript - NodeJS creating JWT no third party libraries -

can point me in right direction on how jwt auth in nodejs using no third party libraries. i'm making own express fun learn node can , want bare bones nodejs.

here have far (basic server), if show me how create jwt , how read jwt , other cool things jwts think might me along learning path, love forever.

(function(){     var http = require("http");     const port = process.env.port;     const host = process.env.ip;      function requester(req,res){         if(req.url == "/createbatmanjwt"){             //create jwt             res.end("yay created jwt");         }         if(req.url == "/readbatmanjwt"){             //read jwt             res.end("yay read jwt");         }     }          var server = http.createserver(requester);      server.listen(port, host, function(){         console.log("server on");     }); })(); 


there lot of work involved creating , verifying jwts, aka rfc7519, not recommend trying create own code unless have lot of time put testing it. njwt - wrote it, i'm biased :)
