excel - VBA For loop not printing value to cell -

option explicit public sub autoserial()  dim long dim b long dim c long dim d long dim e long  = selection.row b = selection.rows.count + selection.row - 1 c = selection.column d = 1  e = e = b cells(e, c).value = d d = d + 1 next e  end sub 

this code manual ranking function. when run code, serial numbers should appear on first column of selection. nothing gets printed on column. also, no error shows up.

selection a1 d5

please try this, tidied , removed not required variables should print serial numbers in first column of selection

option explicit public sub autoserial()    dim irowstart long   dim irowend long   dim icol long, irow long   dim iincrement long    irowkstart = selection.row   irowend  = selection.rows.count + selection.row - 1   icol = selection.column   iincrement = 1    irow  =irowstart irowend     cells(irow, icol).value = iincrement     iincrement  = iincrement  + 1   next irow  end sub 


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