How to add java entites to Solr Index? -

i'm new solr. i've gone through couple of blogs on solr integration web project. in current project, different java entities stored in solr index space separated serialized string. like, firstname + " " + lastname + " " + email....and on. disparate entities stored classname_primaryid unique key. standard way of storing different entities in solr? how should go it? can keep these entities separately in solr? guidance/help appreciated. i'm short on time!!!!

solr document search engine, should think data in terms.

if want make entities searchable, believe best way serialize java entities documents (objects represented in json), , add specialized fields (such copyfield contains data other fields want search when field name not specified) on top of that. don't need space separated representation @ application side, solr handles automatically when use copyfield in schema.

in way have ability search on per field basis, , when required search on fields @ once targetting copy field.


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