javascript - Posting from web app to database fails -

using mysql database php , angularjs in web app. console not throwing errors. used ng-model double bind desc, pric, cat, , title input tags in html. here javascript:

 app.controller('maincontroller', ['$scope', '$http', function($scope, $http) {   $scope.light = "light";  var _userid = 44;  $scope.desc = "" ;  $scope.pric = "" ;  $ =  "";  $scope.title =  "here am!";    $scope.sendpost = function() {     var data = $.param({         json: json.stringify({             userid: _userid,              price: $scope.pric,              description: $scope.desc,              category: $,              posttitle: $scope.title,              photo1: "",              photo2: "",              photo3: "",              tag1: "",              tag2: "",              tag3: ""         })     });     $"", data).success(function(data, status) {         window.alert("hiii in");     }); };    }]); 

everything compiling/displaying nicely not posting database when retrieval database. success alert "hi in" executing.

here php:

<?php //header('access-control-allow-origin: *'); //require_once ''; $host = ""; $dbname = ""; $username = ""; $password = "";  // decode json file //$jsoninput = file_get_contents(''); $jsoninput = file_get_contents("php://input"); //$string = json_decode($jsoninput);  //$file = fopen("testing.txt", "w");  //$myfile = fopen("testfile.txt", "w");  //var_dump($_post);  // $jsoninput = '{"user":"","price":"22.00","description":"dks","category":"ksks","photo1":"","photo2":"","photo3":"","tag1":"ks","tag2":"sksk","tag3":"skdkj","posttitle":"testy "}'; //$string = "hiiiii!";  if(isset($jsoninput)) {     $json = json_decode($jsoninput, true);     //fwrite($myfile, $string);  }else{     $this->error = 'a valid json file not specified'; }   // make connection try {     $conn = new pdo("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$dbname", $username, $password);      $conn->setattribute(pdo::attr_errmode, pdo::errmode_exception);     // $conn->(pdo::attr_emulate_prepares, false);  $sql = 'insert posts(userid,price,description,category,photo1,photo2,photo3,tag1,tag2,tag3,posttitle)   values(:user,:price,:des,:cat,:p1,:p2,:p3,:t1,:t2,:t3,:title)';  // prepare statement  $stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);  $time = date("y-m-d h:i:s");  $stmt->bindparam(':cat', $json["category"], pdo::param_str); $stmt->bindparam(':des', $json["description"], pdo::param_str); $stmt->bindparam(':title', $json["posttitle"], pdo::param_str); $stmt->bindparam(':price', $json["price"], pdo::param_str); // check param of $stmt->bindparam(':user', $json["userid"], pdo::param_str); // or system, $user = 'system';  $empty = '';   if ($json["photo1"] != null) { $stmt->bindparam(':p1', $json["photo1"], pdo::param_lob); } else {     $stmt->bindparam(':p1', $empty, pdo::param_lob); }  if ($json["photo2"] != null) { $stmt->bindparam(':p2', $json["photo2"], pdo::param_lob); } else {     $stmt->bindparam(':p2', $empty, pdo::param_lob); }  if ($json["photo3"] != null) { $stmt->bindparam(':p3', $json["photo3"], pdo::param_lob); } else {     $stmt->bindparam(':p3', $empty, pdo::param_lob); }  if ($json["tag1"] != null) { $stmt->bindparam(':t1', $json["tag1"], pdo::param_lob); } else {     $stmt->bindparam(':t1', $empty, pdo::param_lob); }  if ($json["tag2"] != null) { $stmt->bindparam(':t2', $json["tag2"], pdo::param_lob); } else {     $stmt->bindparam(':t3', $empty, pdo::param_lob); }  if ($json["tag3"] != null) { $stmt->bindparam(':t3', $json["tag3"], pdo::param_lob); } else {     $stmt->bindparam(':t3', $empty, pdo::param_lob); }  // $stmt->bindparam(':tim', $time, pdo::param_str);     time deleted, that's in mysql auto    $stmt->execute() ; $stmt->close(); $conn->close(); } catch (pdoexception $pe) {     die("could not connect database $dbname :" . $pe->getmessage());  }  ?> 

we've used php android platform json , has worked, it's not working our web app angular. help! thank you! <3

one problem in code trying close pdo connection using close()-function, , not allowed. should instead set $conn variable null. see post: pdo closing connection.

you can see errors in php code adding post request:

$"", $, status) {     console.log("data: "+data+" status: "+status);     window.alert("hiii in"); }); 

it print errors in web browser console. when running code error: fatal error: call undefined method pdostatement::close() in...

when changed using close()-function setting pdo connection null code works me (i have been using simple dummy data though), data frontend posted in database. try adding "console.log" in post request function , see if errors might give hint of problem is.
