I have created a dice betting game. I cannot get the loop to run correctly could someone help me with finding the issue? -

okay need getting bank not reset 100 after each time loop runs. have tried many ways can't seem work. please me few explanations , examples?

#include <iostream> #include <stdio.h> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> using namespace std;  int displaystats(int gamesplayed, int wins, int losses, int bank);  int main() {     int bank = 100;//intital bank value     int bet = 0;//desired wager     int wins = 0;//games won     int losses = 0;//games lost     int gamesplayed = 0;//how many rounds played     int compdice1 = 0;//first rolled dice computer     int compdice2 = 0;//second rolled dice computer     int playdice1 = 0;//first rolled dice player     int playdice2 = 0;//seconds rolled dice player     int newdice = 0;//the dice risk wager     int comproll = 0;//the sum of computers roll     int playroll = 0;//the sum of players roll          {         if (bank < 0)         {             cout << "you have " << bank << " coins in bank." << endl;             cout << "i sorry out of money." << endl;             displaystats(gamesplayed, wins, losses, bank);             break;         }          else if (bank > 0)         {             cout << "you have " << bank << " coins in bank." << endl;             cout << "how many coins bet? ";             cin >> bet;              compdice1 = (rand() + time(0)) % 6 + 1;//computer dice             compdice2 = (rand() + time(0)) % 6 + 1;//computer second dice             playdice1 = (rand() + time(0)) % 6 + 1;//player dice             playdice2 = (rand() + time(0)) % 6 + 1;//player second dice              comproll = compdice1 + compdice2;//computer sum             playroll = playdice1 + playdice2;//player sume              cout << "your roll " << playdice1 << " , " << playdice2 << " sume of " << playroll << endl;              if (playroll < comproll)             {                 char option;//option roll dice                   cout << "you win!" << endl;                 cout << "would roll third dice earn 1.5 times bet, yes or no? ";                 cin >> option;                  if (option == 'yes')                 {                     int newroll;//the new sum of 3 dice                     int newdice;//the roll                      newdice = (rand() + time(0)) % 6 + 1;                     newroll = playroll + newdice;//the value of players roll                      if (newroll > comproll)                     {                         cout << "the computer rolled " << comproll << endl;                         cout << "you rolled higher computer therefore, sorry lose round." << endl;                         cout << "your bank equals " << bank - bet << endl;                         losses++;                         gamesplayed++;                     }                      else if (newroll < comproll)                     {                         cout << "you win!" << endl;                         cout << "your bank equals " << bank + (1.5 * bet) << endl;                         wins++;                         gamesplayed++;                     }                 }                 else if (option == 'no')                 {                     cout << "your bank equals " << bank + bet << endl;                     wins++;                     gamesplayed++;                 }             }              else if (playroll > comproll)             {                 cout << "the computer rolled " << comproll << endl;                 cout << "you rolled higher computer therefore, sorry lose round." << endl;                 cout << "your bank equals " << bank - bet << endl;                 losses++;                 gamesplayed++;             }              else if (playroll = comproll)             {                 cout << "the computer rolled " << comproll << endl;                 cout << "i sorry lose double bet!" << endl;                 cout << "your bank equals " << bank - (2 * bet) << endl;                 losses++;                 gamesplayed++;             }         }     } while (bank > 0);      int stats = displaystats(gamesplayed, wins, losses, bank);      cout << "your stats " << stats << endl;     return 0; }  int displaystats(int gamesplayed, int wins, int losses, int bank) {     cout << "games played: " << gamesplayed << endl;     cout << "wins: " << wins << endl;     cout << "losses: " << losses << endl;     cout << "bank total: " << bank << endl;      return (gamesplayed, wins, losses, bank); } 

your problem bank "resetting" never subtracted bet bank. see following code, hope helps.

cout << "you have " << bank << " coins in bank." << endl; cout << "how many coins bet? "; cin >> bet;   //this line forgot. bank = bank - bet 

if win, may want later on add money bank. (but you.) hope helps.


here paste-bin full code requested: http://pastebin.com/hzvrxjxl

also, if solves problem, appreciate if mark answer others don't spend time answering problem has been solved.

edit 2:

this has (as far can tell) fixed , commentated version of code. hope helps: http://pastebin.com/miqjy4b5


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