twitter bootstrap - Chapter 7 of ruby on rails tutorial 4 sass error -

i having issue when going through chapter 7 of 4th edition of ruby on rails tutorial.

the error message follows:

showing /home/ubuntu/workspace/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb line #5 raised:  undefined variable: "$state-danger-text". extracted source (around line #15): 13 14 15 16      .form-control {         color: $state-danger-text;     } }  rails.root: /home/ubuntu/workspace 

my custom.css.scss follows:

/* forms */  #error_explanation {     color: red;     ul {         color: red;         margin: 0 0 30px 0;     } }  .field_with_errors {     @extend .has-error;     .form-control {         color: $state-danger-text;     } } 

everything point ran fine , had tried copy , paste code above directly test typos. bootstrap-sass loaded. unfortunately, didn't resolve issue. reference, chapter i'm working off of can found here. thank you.

i found issue. in short, had not included @import 'bootstrap';. in context of tutorial, of [s]css meant included on custom.css.scss, had entered of in application.scss , started type portion had included above in custom.css.scss, thereby leaving out @import 'bootstrap'; , not having access $state-danger-text.
