twitter bootstrap - Bootstrap3 Datetimepicker issues: missing icon, how to use Date() function? -

i'm using bootstrap3 datetimepicker packaged meteor on site:

i have 2 problems.

1) there no calendar icon on button click open calendar.

2) date() function fails error: "exception in template helper: typeerror: $(...).datetimepicker(...).date not function".

here's included via command line:

meteor add jquery meteor add mrt:moment meteor add twbs:bootstrap  meteor add tsega:bootstrap3-datetimepicker 

it possible these weren't right packages, did working...

i've followed example on author's page. here's javascript:

if (meteor.isclient) {   template.say_when.onrendered(function() {     this.$('.datetimepicker').datetimepicker({     }).on('dp.change', function(e){       session.set("selected",;     });   });    template.say_when.helpers({     // works     show_date: function(){       return session.get("selected");     },     // fails     test: function(){       var date = $('.datetimepicker').datetimepicker().date();       console.log("date picker: " + date);     }   }); } 

and here's html:

<head>   <title>datetimepicker</title> </head>  <body>   <h1>bootstrap3 datetimepicker in meteor</h1>    {{> say_when}} </body>  <template name="say_when">   <div class="input-group datetimepicker">     <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-calendar"></i></span>     <input class="set-due-date form-control" type="text"/>   </div>    <p>{{show_date}}</p>   <p>{{test}}</p> </template> 

1) there else need add in order calendar icon?

2) how can make date() function work?

check out same project have made.

will post answer soon


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