statistics - Do I need to fix the weight of likeret scale values on surveymonky before exporting to SPSS -

i've done survey on survey monkey , collected number of responses need. however, analyze data, noticed started likert scale "agree" instead of "strongly disagree". likert scale following:

agree(weight=1) agree(weight =2) neutral(weight =3) disagree(weight =4) disagree(weight =5).

i planning on exporting data directly surveymonkey spss, question is, mistake affect analysis? need change weight of "agree" 2? , agree 1? , if so, can in surveymonkey or miss data?

you can transform data in other likert scale respondent answered in without messing data. done in spss syntax, or through menu. suggest transform 'strongly agree' 5 , 'strongly disagree' 1 because 5 > 1 , of times 'strongly agree' better 'strongly disagree'.

recode q_1 (1=4) (2=5) (3=3) (4=2) (5=1). value labels q_1 1 'strongly disagree' 2 'disagree' 3 'neither agree nor disagree' 4 'agree' 5 'strongly agree'. execute. 

although, keep in mind misstake have been confusing respondent because answer choices not in logical order, people have answered 'strongly agree' intended answer 'agree'.
