objective c - xcode 5 crashes while opening xib developed in xcode6 -

i want test app ios6. so, downloaded xcode 5. in xcode5 while opening xib, xcode crashes following log. kindly suggest solution.

process:               xcode [2807] path:                  /applications/xcode 2.app/contents/macos/xcode identifier:            com.apple.dt.xcode version:               5.0 (3332.25) build info:            ideapplication-3332025000000000~2 code type:             x86-64 (native) parent process:        ??? [1] responsible:           xcode [2807] user id:               501  date/time:             2015-07-14 12:55:38.017 +0500 os version:            mac os x 10.10.3 (14d131) report version:        11 anonymous uuid:        f20a6fab-50ef-797b-17ed-dca402dae3ba   time awake since boot: 11000 seconds  crashed thread:        0  dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread  exception type:        exc_crash (sigabrt) exception codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000  application specific information: productbuildversion: 5a1413 assertion failure in /sourcecache/ideinterfacebuildercocoatouch/ideinterfacebuildercocoatouch-3742/ibplugin/utilities/ibobjectmarshalling.m:36 details:  failed launch cocoa touch tool: error domain=com.apple.interfacebuilder code=-1 "interface builder encountered error communicating ios simulator." userinfo=0x7fa34bda8380 {nsunderlyingerror=0x7fa34b78c2f0 "the operation couldn’t completed. (ibmessagechannelerrordomain error 1.)", nslocalizeddescription=interface builder encountered error communicating ios simulator., nslocalizedrecoverysuggestion=please check console.app crash reports "interface builder cocoa touch tool" further information., nslocalizedfailurereason="interface builder cocoa touch tool" (2879) failed launch , exited status (null), signal 6.} object:   <nsthread: 0x7fa341c2bb30> method:   -cocoatouchtoolfortargetruntime: thread:   <nsthread: 0x7fa341c2bb30>{number = 1, name = main} hints:   none 

in file inspector of xib file, there's "interface builder document" popup , 1 of choices "opens in". , there can select "xcode 5".

if have auto-layout turned on, lowest can go xcode 5.1.

change compatible xcode version xib files
