c# - store sheetname in table -
i have following code . can extract data data existing in sheets in workbook , name of sheet
foreach (var sheetname in getexcelsheetnames(connectionstring)) { using (oledbconnection con = new oledbconnection(connectionstring)) { var datatable = new datatable(); string query = string.format("select {0} sheetname, * [{0}]", sheetname); con.open(); oledbdataadapter adapter = new oledbdataadapter(query, con); adapter.fill(datatable); ds.tables.add(datatable); } }
then write following code store data in table in sql server
if (ds.tables.count > 0) { foreach (datatable dt in ds.tables) { using (sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(consstring)) { con.open(); (int = 2; < dt.rows.count; i++) { (int j = 1; j < dt.columns.count; j += 3) { //here problem sqlcommand command = new sqlcommand( should write? ) ; command.executenonquery(); } } con.close(); } }
my problem how store sheetname in table [obj ca]?
i think your
"...values('sheetname" + dt.rows[0][j].tostring() + "' )
should be
"...values('sheetname', '" + dt.rows[0][j].tostring() + "' )
since try insert 2 values didn't seperate them comma.
but better way, use parameterized queries. kind of string concatenations open sql injection attacks.
var command = new sqlcommand(@"insert [obj ca] (sheetname, [rayon]) values('sheetname', @rayon"), con); (int = 2; < dt.rows.count; i++) { (int j = 1; j < dt.columns.count; j += 3) { command.parameters.clear(); command.parameters.addwithvalue("@rayon", dt.rows[0][j].tostring()); command.executenonquery(); } }
by way, since didn't know column types, used addwithvalue
example don't. this method may generate unexpected results sometimes. use add
overload specify parameter type , it's size.
also suspect should change column definition order (sheetname, [rayon])
in insert
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