omnet++ - how to make that node still moving while transferring data? -

i'm working on veins example in omnetpp.

in veins omnetpp example, run erlangen simulation. while transferring data, noticed nodes stopped & continue moving after finish transferring data rsu.

my question is, how make node still moving while transferring data? possible?

this because, want know percentage data sent according velocity of node. can me?

the veins faq has entry on this: simulation time not advance while gui shows animation.

note, however, not mean car has stopped. in discrete event simulation, wall clock time different simulation time. in other words, fact simulation running slower (or pauses) not mean simulated nodes slow down (or pause).

it important know simulation time different wall clock time. let's assume simulation model triggers 2 events ("sunrise" , "sunset") per simulated day, 365 sunrises per year. if execute simulation model on bad computer, still able simulate thousands of sunrises , sunsets (thousands of days in simulation time) within few milliseconds (of "real" or wall clock time). if execute model on better computer, might able simulate not thousands millions of days (simulation time) within few milliseconds (wall clock time). fact more seconds of simulation time pass each second of wall clock time not mean somehow simulated years have become shorter; still simulating 365 sunrises per simulated year. true if suspend computer executing simulation (closing lid of laptop) , later resume computer. simulation model unaffected.

if extend example of simulated cars moving in simulation should clear not matter how fast can see cars move on screen, driving @ same speed (let's 13 m/s). on fast computer see them move fast. on slow computer see them move slow. while omnet++ animates method calls not see them move @ all. still, speed not change.
