php add method incorrectly working -

i'm in process of learning php , i'm having trouble. function returning "milestones" same date plugged in with. believe using add() method incorrectly. thankyou.


$milestones = null; $milestones = createmilestone($milestones, true, 10, "15-1-1", "birthday" ); var_dump( $milestones );  function createmilestone($milestones, $forward, $days, $startdate, $milestonename ){     if ( is_string($startdate)){         $date = datetime::createfromformat("y-m-d", $startdate );     }else if(is_array($startdate) ){         $date = $startdate["date"];     }else{         $date = $startdate;     };      $daysinterval = dateinterval::createfromdatestring($days);     if ($forward){         $date->add($daysinterval);     }else{         $date->sub($daysinterval);     }       $milestones[$milestonename]['date'] = $date;      return $milestones; } 

you need use :

$daysinterval = dateinterval::createfromdatestring($days . ' days'); 

see doc here dateinterval , page diverse date formatting (called relative format) can use.

and btw, if give datetime "15-1-1", correct format not "y-m-d" "y-m-d" (lowercase 'y')


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