c++ - I wrote this program to reverse the elements in a linked list, after compiling this program this is showing error in the reverse (). why? -

i wrote program reverse elements in linked list, after compiling program showing error in reverse (). why?

error showing :- ||in function ‘void reverse()’:| |40|error: no match ‘operator=’ (operand types ‘node’ , ‘long int’)| |40|note: candidate is:|

    #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct node {     int data;     node* next; }; node* head; void insert(int data) {    node* newnode = new node();    // create new node    newnode->data = data;    newnode->next = null;     if(head == null ){   //if head null, means first node       head = newnode;   //so update value of head    }else{       node* temp = head;      while(temp->next!=null)      {         temp = temp->next;      }      temp->next = newnode;    }  } void print() {     node* temp = head;     while(temp!=null)     {         cout<<" "<<temp->data<<" ";         temp = temp->next;     }     cout<<endl; } void reverse() {     node* current;     node* prev;     node* nextaddress;     current = head;     prev = null;     while(current!=null)     {         nextaddress = current->next;         current->next = prev;         prev = current;         current = nextaddress;     }     head = prev; } int main() {     head = null;     int a, n;     cout<<"\n enter number of elements stored list :";     cin>>n;     cout<<"\n enter elements :";     for(int i=1; i<=n; i++)     {         cin>>a;         insert(a);     }     print();     cout<<"\n reverse of linkedlist :";     reverse();     print();     return 0; } 

this why every coding standard says 1 variable per line.

what wrote:

node* current , prev, nextaddress; current = head; prev = null; 

what meant was:

node* current , * prev, * nextaddress;             //  ^^      ^^ without star node objects. current = head; prev = null; 

what should have typed was:

node* current      = head; node* prev         = nullptr; node* nextaddress; 

hey not take more space.
