javascript - Concurrency transitions in D3 (circle following filling path) -
i trying create simple animated gauge charts, red points on end of each circle. whole example in here (please not solve text position, it's not problem). tried search on stack overflow, tutorials change starting point of alongpath animation not helping me, because path translated x,y , rotated. thing key part of code is:
circle.transition().duration(_duration) .attrtween('cx', arccirclex(_mypath.node())) .attrtween('cy', arccircley(_mypath.node()));
you can easy switch similar version (code stack overflow above):
circle.transition().duration(_duration) .attrtween('transformation', circletween(_mypath.node()));
i don't know why, seems red circle goes left side. maybe it's because original path translated , rotated.
(the original version was, when try follow filling path, not work either.)
instead of rotating hover path
, rotate g
element contains both path
, circle
enter.append("g").attr("class", "hover") .attr("transform", "translate(" + _width / 2 + "," + _width / 2 + "), rotate(-90)");
circle.transition().duration(_duration) .attrtween('transform', circletween(_mypath.node()));
here's example. after?
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