javascript - AngularJS list not showing - issue with custom filter? -

i trying troubleshoot why "upcoming events" list not show? live demo here (code shown below)

here's angularjs view:

<body ng-app="listapp">  <div class="container" ng-controller="eventcontroller">   <h3>upcoming events:</h3>      <ul ng-repeat="event in events | upcomingevents | limitto: 2">         <li>{{ event.title }}</li>         <li>{{ event.start }}</li>     </ul>  </div> 

here's controller , custom filter:

<script type="text/javascript" src="angularjs/angular.min.js"></script> <script>  var app = angular.module('listapp', []);  app.controller('eventcontroller', function($scope, $http){     $http.get('events.json').success(function(data) {              $ = data;     }) });      app.filter('upcomingevents', function () {      return function (input) {      var upcomingevents = [];      upcomingevents = input.filter(function (data) {         var currentdate = new date();          if ((data.start - currentdate) >= 0) {             return true;         } else {             return false;         }     });      upcomingevents.sort(function (a, b) {         return a.start - b.start;     });      return upcomingevents;   }; });  </script> 

here's events.json feed:

[   {     "title": "all day event",     "start": "2015-07-13",     "allday": true   },   {     "title": "long event",     "start": "2015-07-05",     "end": "2015-07-13"   },   {     "title": "repeating event",     "start": "2015-07-15",     "allday": false   },   {       "title": "first time",       "start": "2015-07-31"   } ] 

i getting error in chrome's console, not sure means.

console error:

typeerror: cannot read property 'filter' of undefined @ @ fn (eval @ <anonymous> (, <anonymous>:2:191) @ object.<anonymous> ( @ n.$get.n.$digest ( @ n.$get.n.$apply ( @ @ object.e [as invoke] ( @ d ( @ ac ( @ zd ( 

anyone have advice on how can proceed fix? thanks.


 if ((data.start - currentdate) >= 0)  


if ((new date(data.start) - currentdate) >= 0)  

the data.start string representation of date. convert date 1st

fixed demo in fiddle

typeerror: cannot read property 'filter' of undefined

seems in code input value = undefined because on start don't have $ , input.filter(...) fails.

so add in filter:

var upcomingevents = [];  if(!input){  return upcomingevents; }  

or initiate $ = [] in controller (best bet)


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