oracle - Create or replace global subtype -

i know can create subtype inside package specification like:

create or replace package xy   subtype type_sdebug varchar (200);   ... end; / 

if want use same subtype within package need redefine same type again. there way create or replace global subtype such as:

create or replace type string_array varray(500) of varchar2(30); / 

as far know, subtypes pl/sql feature, cannot create them globally. nothing prevents using type defined in package xy in package (e.g. ab):

create or replace package xy   subtype type_sdebug varchar (200); end;  create or replace package ab   procedure print_it(p_debug in xy.type_sdebug); end;  create or replace package body ab   procedure print_it(p_debug in xy.type_sdebug)   begin       dbms_output.put_line(p_debug);   end; end;   declare   v_debug xy.type_sdebug default 'hello world'; begin   ab.print_it(v_debug); end; 


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