encryption - "Unrecognized attribute 'configProtectionProvider'. Note that attribute names are case-sensitive." -

i'm encountering above mentioned error when application trying access appsettings configoverrides.config file. required me encrypt config settings. have used below mentioned command line.

aspnet_regiis.exe -pef "connectionstrings" "*path config file resides*" 

after running command line in cmd prompt config values getting encrypted expected. when browse application through inetmgr above error in below mentioned line in config file.

<appsettings configprotectionprovider="rsaprotectedconfigurationprovider"> 

note: encrypting file before placing in web folder in server i'm not doing in code. i'm encrypting running cmd prompt in admin mode.

edit:this question might seem duplicate 1 isn't. reason every place have searched solution above error have encountered issue while encrypting @ beginning of application run. suggested in accepted answers here : unrecognized attribute 'configprotectionprovider' after encrypting app.config encrypting separately , including in application's web folder. there no code involved in encryption of config files.
