java - SessionAttributes cause problems with multiple tabs -

i have spring web app (spring 3.2) , have used following scenario handle edit pages:

@controller @sessionattributes(value = { "packet" }) public class packetcontroller {  @requestmapping(value = "/edit-packet/{packet_id}", method = requestmethod.get) public string editpacketform(@pathvariable(value = "packet_id") long packet_id, model model) {     model.addattribute("packet", packetservice.findbyid(packet_id));     return "packets/packetedit"; } 

post method:

@requestmapping(value = "/edit-packet/{packet_id}", method =     public string packeteditaction(model model, @valid @modelattribute(value = "packet")                                     packet packet, bindingresult result, sessionstatus status)     {     if (result.haserrors())     {         return "packets/packetedit";     }      packetservice.update(packet);     status.setcomplete();     return "redirect:/"; } 

now problem if tries open multiple tabs /edit-packet/{id} different ids. every new open tab session 'packet' object overwritten. after trying submit forms on multiple tabs, first tab submitted change second packet because in session second object , second tab cause error because setcomplete has been invoked there no 'packet' object in session.

(this known issue

i trying implement solution solve problem. copied classes , in servlet-config.xml made this:

<mvc:annotation-driven />  <bean id="conversationalsessionattributestore"     class="com.xx.session.conversationalsessionattributestore"> </bean>  <bean name="requestdatavalueprocessor" class="com.xx.session.conversationidrequestprocessor" /> 

but doesnt work, in post methods dont see new parameters, miss something?

update: actually, started working, maybe has better idea solve issue?

my other idea force new session on every new tab not nice solution.

don't use session attributes, make controller stateless , use path variable retrieve correct model attribute.

@controller public class packetcontroller {      @modelattribute     public packet packet(@pathvariable(value = "packet_id") long packet_id) {         return packetservice.findbyid(packet_id);     }      @requestmapping(value = "/edit-packet/{packet_id}", method = requestmethod.get)     public string editpacketform() {         return "packets/packetedit";     }      @requestmapping(value = "/edit-packet/{packet_id}", method =     public string packeteditaction(model model, @valid @modelattribute(value = "packet")                                     packet packet, bindingresult result) {         if (result.haserrors()) {             return "packets/packetedit";         }          packetservice.update(packet);         return "redirect:/";     } } 

something should trick.
