php - How can I don't use global variables in this page? -

on php document, made function.

function getprices($url) {     global $pricelist;  // declare global . point of this.      $src = file_get_contents_curl($url);     $dom = new domdocument();     $selector = new domxpath($dom);     $results = $selector->query('//table/tr/td/span');      foreach($results $node) {         array_push($pricelist, $node->nodevalue);     } } 

and bottom of page, called several.

$pricelist = array();  getprices(""); getprices(""); getprices(""); 

and display it.

echo $pricelist[1]; echo $pricelist[2]; echo $pricelist[3]; 

the problem i'm using cms kinds of joomla, wordpress, , not support using global variable don't know how make without using global. how can make it? need many pages scrapping, i'm afraid. if scrap 1 page,

return in function, ,

$pricelist = getprices("$code"); 

but don't know many scrapping case. please me...

you return partial results function , merge them complete results array.

<?php $result = [];  $result = array_merge($result, getsomevalues()); $result = array_merge($result, getsomevalues()); $result = array_merge($result, getsomevalues());  var_export($result);  function getsomevalues() {     static $i = 0;     // returning partial result of 3 elements     return [ $i++, $i++, $i++ ]; } 


array (   0 => 0,   1 => 1,   2 => 2,   3 => 3,   4 => 4,   5 => 5,   6 => 6,   7 => 7,   8 => 8, ) 
