`gulp-connect` virtual folder -

is possible gulp-connect add non-existent folder url?

to elaborate:

my project in /sites/mysite, in folder have gulpfile.js , cd folder, run gulp , http server on: http://localhost:8080/.

i still able cd /sites/mysite run gulp have url content accessible http://localhost:8080/igloo.

this feels sort of middleware cannot head around connect/gulp-connect.

i have similar setup. root of app @ dist/, need access node_modules/ source maps:


var st = require('st')  ...  gulp.task('server', function() {   connect.server({     root: 'dist/',     host: 'localhost',     port: 3000,     livereload: {       port: 35929     },     middleware: function (connect, opt) {       return [         st({ path: 'node_modules', url: '/node_modules' })       ];     }   }) }) 
