android - Gradle SwingBuilder: "Toolkit not found: apple.awt.CToolkit" error -

i have gradle task supposed prompt if user wants continue or not (part of larger task android app).

i'm using swingbuilder to try construct dialog i'm getting following error when try build:

error:(94) execution failed task ':xxxxxx:ask'. > toolkit not found: apple.awt.ctoolkit     

obviously, don't have installed on mac i'm not sure need install. java dependency? or gradle? (googling not either - relevant link google appengine not me much).

here's task:

task ask << {     def pass = ''     new swingbuilder().edt {         dialog(modal: true,                  title: 'continue',                 alwaysontop: true,                  resizable: false,                  locationrelativeto: null,                  pack: true,                  show: true          ) {             vbox {                  label(text: "are sure want continue?")                 button(defaultbutton: true, text: 'continue', actionperformed: {                     //do                     dispose();                  })                  button(defaultbutton: true, text: 'cancel', actionperformed: {                     //do                     dispose(); // close dialog                 })             }         }     } 

according this issue on github, problem appears fact intellij idea runs on java 6 default. you'll need force run java 7 instead, described in this jetbrains support article.

one thing bear in mind intellij has problems java 7 , above on mac, why defaults java 6. can find more details in support article linked to.


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