ios - Cocoapods : Library Not found -

i trying run cocoapods project , getting following error

library not found -lattributedmarkdown

i tried pod deintegrate , pod install it's still there. tried removing pod.debug.xcconfig file project->info->configuration , pod install nothing.

pod.debug.xcconfig generated pod install contain path ${pods_root}/headers/public/attributedmarkdown

here xcconfig file

but can't find 'headers/public' in project navigator

first line of defense: (quit xcode first, part of strategy) :

rm -rf pods/ podfile.lock ; pod install 

defensive approach: verify podfile. coherent? how tools versions? happens if create new podfile pod init? have targets expected?

drastic measure: rebuild xcworkspace entirely:

  1. quit xcode
  2. mv project.xcworkspace backup location
  3. sudo gem install cocoapods (get latest)
  4. rm -rf pods/ podfile.lock ; pod install


notice use of rm -rf pods/ podfile.lock ; pod install instead of pod update.
