c++ - Threading: Do different class instances provide their own copy of their member function? -

here code:

class carl{     public:     int x;      carl(int y):x(y){      }             void compute(){         x++;                         } };   int main () {      carl c(5);                  //init     carl c2(5);                 //init       std::thread t1([&](){          for(int = 0 ; <50;i++)             c.compute();         }     );        std::thread t2([&](){          for(int = 0 ; <50;i++)             c2.compute();         }     );      t1.join();              //join     t2.join();              //join       std::cout<<c.x<<std::endl;     std::cout<<c2.x<<std::endl;        return 0; } 


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i aware of data races , if both threads accessing same resources, should guarded. if it's this. made 2 instances of carl named c , c2 , have own resources. made 2 threads access own compute. questions are:

  1. since both threads strictly access own resources,is thread safe , locks aren't necessary?
  2. does mean compute function being accessed c , c2 have different function address?

bonus question: planning implement multiclient file transfer. tcp ip implemented using blocking i/o , 1 listener per every connection. feel using lock guards might slow down process since on queued. algorithm/approaches?

since both threads strictly access own resources,is thread safe , locks aren't necessary?

yes, correct.

does mean compute function being accessed c , c2 have different function address?

no. functions don't need copied, each function call independent. long data operate upon not shared across threads, have no problems.


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