time - Ocassionally-unreliable DATE field of http response -

we're interested in rough timezone of user, give or take few hours, , reasons don't trust user's device clock.

one cheap , easy thing tried post (a head work too) (eg) google.com, , date field of header. is, http standard, in gmt. may fall foul of caching, added ?rng=xxxxxx end.

however in cases date field seems way off. like, days off. previous , next request correct date. maybe need add more digits cache-beating rng field, else going on? there flaws or downsides in plan, considering don't care second-accuracy?

we seem pretty sure given our player install base, , frequency of these checks, , poorness of our random suffix, google/someone in between able cache them successfully.

seems rule not use http headers authoritative time, unless control server , can send non-caching responses.
