Can CouchDB query_params in replication filter take an array? -

i've got replication filters working great in couchdb when parameter string. however, i'm wondering if i'm able send in array instead. example, existing, working filter takes query_param user , can populated value "tony". i'd like, able check multiple users, such query_params

{    "users": [        "laura",        "tony"    ] } 

i've tried in curl , {"error":"bad_request","reason":"invalid_json"}. i'm not sure invalid json is.

the request via curl looks like:

  curl -h 'content-type: application/json' \   -x post  \   -d '{"source":"","target":"", "filter":"repfilter/users", "query_params":{"users":["laura","tony"]}' 

in filter code, check existence of document field userid in users array query params.

 "users": "function(doc,req){ if(req.query.users.indexof(doc.userid) >= 0){return true;} return false;   }" 

is not possible in couch or doing wrong? should use comma-separated string instead?

i think best way accomplish array doing this:


i'm not 100% positive how erlang parses type of querystring, if fails, comma-separated list going simpler:


just add following in fn:

var users = req.query.users.split(','); 
