mvc - Displaying the full name with Enums and resource file in c# MVC -

giving 1 more try

i have enums.cs file have following code

public enum authorizinglevels     {         [display(name = "authorizinglevels_syssupport", resourcetype = typeof(resources.enums))]         syssupport     } 

and when try calling display name, doesn't work

viewbag.authgroupfullname = enums.authorizinglevels.syssupport.tostring(); 

it displays syssupport instead of full name systems support

i went link provided in previous question (how display name attribute of enum member via mvc razor code?) , added code peter kerr

/// <summary>     ///     generic extension method aids in reflecting      ///     , retrieving attribute applied `enum`.     /// </summary>     public static string getdisplayname(this enum enumvalue)     {         var displayattrib = enumvalue.gettype()                         .getmember(enumvalue.tostring())                         .first()                         .getcustomattribute<displayattribute>();         var name =;         var resource = displayattrib.resourcetype;          return string.isnullorempty(name) ? enumvalue.tostring()             : resource == null ? name             : new resourcemanager(resource).getstring(name);     } 

however, error on line

: new resourcemanager(resource).getstring(name); 

an exception of type 'system.resources.missingmanifestresourceexception' occurred in mscorlib.dll not handled in user code additional information: not find resources appropriate specified culture or neutral culture. make sure "resources.enums.resources" correctly embedded or linked assembly "fws" @ compile time, or satellite assemblies required loadable , signed.

the resource file right 1 minus .resources @ end... not sure if should there or not.

what doing wrong? i'm learning mvc , c# go appreciated.

thank you

try this. hacky should give need. use assembly.getexecutingassembly().getmanifestresourcenames() names of resources in executing assembly , attempt match file correctly using linq. if finds file looks ok, new resourcemanager created using in original code.

/// <summary> ///     generic extension method aids in reflecting  ///     , retrieving attribute applied `enum`. /// </summary> public static string getdisplayname(this enum enumvalue) {     var displayattrib = enumvalue.gettype()         .getmember(enumvalue.tostring())         .first()         .getcustomattribute<displayattribute>();      var name =;     if (string.isnullorempty(name))     {         return enumvalue.tostring();     }     else     {         var resource = displayattrib.resourcetype;         if (resource != null)         {             var resources = assembly.getexecutingassembly().getmanifestresourcenames()                 .where(x => x.endswith(string.format("{0}.resources",                 .select(x => x.replace(".resources", string.empty)).tolist();             if (resources.any())             {                 return new resourcemanager(resources.first(), assembly.getexecutingassembly()).getstring(name);             }         }          return name;     } } 
