ios - Weird Issue with Parse -

my app working fine. last hour crashing giving me log:

channel name must start letter: 2 (code: 112, version: 1.7.2) 

i using parse push notification service , following code subscribe channel:

    nsstring *str =[[nsuserdefaults  standarduserdefaults]objectforkey:@"useremail"]; //   str = [str stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"@"                                      withstring:@"-"]; str = [str stringbyreplacingoccurrencesofstring:@"."                                      withstring:@"-"];     pfinstallation *currentinstallation = [pfinstallation currentinstallation];  [currentinstallation adduniqueobject:str forkey:@"channels"]; currentinstallation[@"user"] = [pfuser currentuser]; //app crashes here  [currentinstallation saveinbackground]; 

i haven't changed anything. checked earlier versions of code , crashing @ same point. issue unable figure out.

your code seems fine , according said used working i'd think should try uninstall/re-install app on device , try again.
