how can we merge two java objects in one xml file? -

this program. correct way merge 2 objects?

public class objecttoxml {   public static void main(string[] args) throws exception{   jaxbcontext contextobj = jaxbcontext.newinstance(employee.class);    marshaller marshallerobj = contextobj.createmarshaller();   marshallerobj.setproperty(marshaller.jaxb_formatted_output, true);   try{   employee employees = new employee();   employees.setemployee(new arraylist<employee>());    employee emp1=new employee(1,"vimal jaiswal",50000);     employee emp2=new employee(2,"kamal",40000);    employees.getemployee().add(emp1);   employees.getemployee().add(emp2);   marshallerobj.marshal(employees, new fileoutputstream("e:\\employee.xml"));      }     catch(jaxbexception e){   system.out.println(e);  }}} 

its giving output doulbe times:

1,"vimal jaiswal",50000  2,"kamal",40000 1,"vimal jaiswal",50000  2,"kamal",40000 

please find below code solve problem,

package com.mss.sample;  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmlelement;  /**  * employee model class  *   * @author anilkumar bathula  */   public class employee {      // fields     int empid;     string empname;     int empsal;      public employee(int empid, string empname, int empsal) {         super();         this.empid = empid;         this.empname = empname;         this.empsal = empsal;     }      @xmlelement     public int getempid() {         return empid;     }      public void setempid(int empid) {         this.empid = empid;     }      @xmlelement     public string getempname() {         return empname;     }      public void setempname(string empname) {         this.empname = empname;     }      @xmlelement     public int getempsal() {         return empsal;     }      public void setempsal(int empsal) {         this.empsal = empsal;     }  } 

serialize class:

package com.mss.sample;  import java.util.arraylist; import java.util.list;  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmlelement; import javax.xml.bind.annotation.xmlrootelement;  /**  * employees class  *   * @author anilkumar bathula  */  @xmlrootelement public class employees {     private list<employee> employees;      public employees() {         employees = new arraylist<employee>();     }      @xmlelement     public list<employee> getemployees() {         return employees;     }      public void setemployees(list<employee> employees) {         this.employees = employees;     } } 

mainclass of generating xml:

package com.mss.sample;  import;  import javax.xml.bind.jaxbcontext; import javax.xml.bind.jaxbexception; import javax.xml.bind.marshaller; import com.mss.sample.employees;  /**  * marshal class  *   * @author anilkumar bathula  */  public class marshal {      public static void main(string[] args) throws exception {          jaxbcontext contextobj = jaxbcontext.newinstance(employees.class);          marshaller marshallerobj = contextobj.createmarshaller();         marshallerobj.setproperty(marshaller.jaxb_formatted_output, true);         try {              employees employees = new employees();             employee emp1 = new employee(1, "vimal jaiswal", 50000);             employee emp2 = new employee(2, "kamal", 40000);              employees.getemployees().add(emp1);             employees.getemployees().add(emp2);             marshallerobj.marshal(employees, new fileoutputstream(                     "d:\\employee.xml"));          } catch (jaxbexception e) {             system.out.println(e);         }     } } 


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