java - Sorting int field of the wrapper class spring -
i have navigation class dynamically creating navigation having 2 tables folder(it directory contains files) , content(it files or pages render content on public site). have created navigation class in having wrapper class merging fields of content folder. have tried using @orderby , @ordercolumn came know work collections.
list<folder> folder = folderrepository.findallbynavdepthlessthanorderbynavdepthasc(3);
here sorting navdepth(this column belongs folder entity) want sort navorder(this column belongs content entity)
@service public class navigationservice { @qualifier("jdbcmysql") private jdbctemplate jdbctemplate; private folderrepository folderrepository; private folderservice folderservice; @autowired public navigationservice(jdbctemplate jdbctemplate, folderrepository folderrepository, folderservice folderservice) { this.jdbctemplate = jdbctemplate; this.folderrepository = folderrepository; this.folderservice = folderservice; } @transactional(propagation=propagation.required, readonly=false) public map<string, navigationitem> navigationitems() { // todo: // cross cutting aop springs // todo: list<folder> folder = folderrepository.findallbynavdepthlessthanorderbynavdepthasc(3); // list<folder> folder = folderservice.navigation(); map<string, navigationitem> navitems = new linkedhashmap<string, navigationservice.navigationitem>(); (int = 0; < folder.size(); i++) { navigationitem ni = new navigationitem(); ni.setnavdepth((int) (folder.get(i).getnavdepth())); ni.setfilenamepath(folder.get(i).getdirectorypath()); ni.setfilepath(folder.get(i).getdirectorypath()); ni.setchildren(folder.get(i).getcontent()); (int k = 0; k < folder.size(); k++) { if(folder.get(i).getid() == folder.get(k).getparentid()) { ni.addsubfolder(folder.get(k)); system.out.println(folder.get(i).gettitle()); system.out.println(folder.get(k)); system.out.println("---!!!!!!________----------!!!!!!!!"); } } navitems.put(folder.get(i).gettitle(), ni); } return navitems; } public class navigationitem { private long id; private long parentid; private string title; private string filename; private string filenamepath; private int navdepth; private int navorder; private string parentfilename; private string filepath; private string foldername; @ordercolumn(name="navorder asc") private list<content> children = new arraylist(); private arraylist<folder> subfolder = new arraylist(); public void setsubfolder(arraylist<folder> subfolder) { this.subfolder = subfolder; } public string getfilepath() { return filepath; } public void setfilepath(string filepath) { this.filepath = filepath; } public string getfoldername() { return foldername; } public void setfoldername(string foldername) { this.foldername = foldername; } public arraylist<folder> getsubfolder() { return subfolder; } public void addsubfolder(folder subfolder) { this.subfolder.add(subfolder); } public void setchildren(list<content> list) { this.children = list; } public long getid() { return id; } public void setid(long id) { = id; } public long getparentid() { return parentid; } public void setparentid(long parentid) { this.parentid = parentid; } public string gettitle() { return title; } public void settitle(string title) { this.title = title; } public string getfilename() { return filename; } public void setfilename(string filename) { this.filename = filename; } public string getfilenamepath() { return filenamepath; } public void setfilenamepath(string filenamepath) { this.filenamepath = filenamepath; } public long getnavdepth() { return navdepth; } public void setnavdepth(int navdepth) { this.navdepth = navdepth; } public long getnavorder() { return navorder; } public void setnavorder(int navorder) { this.navorder = navorder; } public string getparentfilename() { return parentfilename; } public void setparentfilename(string parentfilename) { this.parentfilename = parentfilename; } public list<content> getchildren() { return children; } public void addchild(content child) { children.add(child); } public string getfilepath() { return filepath; } public void setfilepath(string filepath) { this.filepath = filepath; } } }
use comparator<navigationitem>
, pass collections.sort()
or similar methods.
the comparator might this:
class navcomparator implements comparator<navigationitem> { int specialvaluenochildren = -1; //assuming nav_order 0 or greater int compare(navigationitem o1, navigationitem o2) { int max1 = getmaxnavorder( o1 ); int max2 = getmaxnavorder( o2 ); return max1, max2 ); } int getmaxnavorder( navigationitem ni ) { int max = specialvaluenochildren; for( content child : ni.getchildren() ) { max = math.max(max, child.getnavorder()); } return max; } }
here maximum nav order of children selected -1 being special case of no children. items compared respective children's maximum nav order.
if need different order change accordingly, e.g. reversing max1
, max2
or getting lowest nav order of children etc.
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