c# - DateTimeFormatInfo.AbbreviatedMonthNames order -

i have list of string represents abbreviated months: jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec

if these values in random order, how can order them above: jan, feb, mar ... ?

list<string> months = new list<string>(); 

why don't use ordered list:

list<string> months = enumerable.range(1, 12)     .select(m => datetimeformatinfo.invariantinfo.getabbreviatedmonthname(m))     .tolist(); 

list contains:

        [0] "jan"            [1] "feb"            [2] "mar"            [3] "apr"            [4] "may"            [5] "jun"            [6] "jul"            [7] "aug"            [8] "sep"            [9] "oct"            [11] "dec"   

if want month names in current language use:


if have list contains month-names , list contains duplicates or not complete want order list naturally, can use indexof:

monthlist = monthlist.orderby(s => months.indexof(s)).tolist(); 

here's approach doesn't need list compare uses datetime.parseexact:

monthlist = monthlist     .orderby(s => datetime.parseexact(s, "mmm", datetimeformatinfo.invariantinfo))     .tolist(); 
