ember.js - Unit test Ember models without application running -

what best way unit test ember model without application running in test framework?

i couldn't find information how this. got following work, think covers needs, there smarter way this? i'm stabbing @ dark bit attempt i'm guessing there is.

`import { test, modulefor } 'ember-qunit'`     `import subject 'school/models/subject'` `import student 'school/models/student'`  #use subclass remove relationships, add default values set functions work. subjecttester = subject.extend {     students: null     name: '' } studenttester = student.extend {     subject: null     name: ''     height: 0 }  modulefor('model:subject')  #use _create skip store, manually set relationships test('computes tallest student description', ->     elise = studenttester._create()     elise.set('height', 165)     elise.set('name', 'elise')      jasmine = studenttester._create()     jasmine.set('height', 170)     jasmine.set('name', 'jasmine')      subject = subjecttester._create()     subject.set('name', 'maths')     subject.set('students', [elise, jasmine])      equal(subject.get('talleststudentdesc'), 'jasmine tallest student in maths') ) 

i tried using reopen instead of subclassing couldn't clean changes properly...

would better set test containers , stores? should use integration tests? missing obvious? pointers appreciated.


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