ios - UIProgressView setCornerRadius working "Sometimes" -

i created uiprogressview in custom cell , added this,

[cell.progressview.layer setcornerradius:4]; 

this didn't work uiprogressview sometimes !!

i used delete line accidentally, worked wow!

how overcome situation?

thank much.

p.s.>> created custom cell (subclassed of uicollectionviewcell) named conancell, xib file.


@property (weak, nonatomic) iboutlet uiprogressview *progressview; 

in viewcontroller.m

- (uicollectionviewcell *)collectionview:(uicollectionview *)collectionview cellforitematindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     conancell *cell = (conancell *)[collectionview dequeuereusablecellwithreuseidentifier:cellidentifier forindexpath:indexpath];     [cell.progressview setprogress:0.7];     [cell.progressview.layer setcornerradius:4]; } 

you solved issue setting corner radius like

- (uicollectionviewcell *)collectionview:(uicollectionview *)collectionview cellforitematindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {      conancell *cell = (conancell *)[collectionview dequeuereusablecellwithreuseidentifier:cellidentifier forindexpath:indexpath];     [cell.progressview setprogress:0.7];     [cell.progressview.layer setcornerradius:4];      cell.progressview.layer.maskstobounds = true;      cell.progressview.clipstobounds = true;  } 


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