java - Precedence packagingExcludes and packagingIncludes maven war plugin -

recently configured application use "skinny wars" described on codehaus (title: solving skinny war problem). exclude jars war , add war and pom dependency ear. ran problem 2 jars. me logical thing include them in war file using packaginginclude.

<plugin>     <artifactid>maven-war-plugin</artifactid>     <configuration>         <packagingexcludes>web-inf/lib/*.jar</packagingexcludes>         <packagingincludes>web-inf/lib/a.jar, web-inf/lib/b.jar</packagingincludes>     </configuration> </plugin> 

using regex showed in de plugin documentation , answer didn't seem anything. excludes everyting.

in source code of plugin found uses documentscanner of org.codehaus.plexus » plexus-utils. didn't quite understand how works.

i thought no brainer. doing wrong? inclusion doesn't work when transitive dependency of c?

edit: plugin version play role? using 2.6 version 2.1-alpha-2 used.

try use includes without wildcard excludes definition. since exclude jars eats includes. far understand doc (and memories), default include specify include plugin include list of jars.


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