ios - Objective-C OpenGL Animation in Sample GLPaint code -

i digging sample project created apple:

it demonstrates how use opengl in objective-c.

when start app "shake me" graph drawn stroke stroke, animation. want modify project make own app, in paintingview.m, want know how disable animation whenever call renderlinefrompoint:topoint: method (specifically, in playback: function, because in touchesmoved:withevent: animation unnoticeable).

that is, want write renderlinefrompoint:topoint:animated: method such that, if put no after animated:, line drawn instantly.

found it.

all have is, in

- (void)renderlinefrompoint:(cgpoint)start topoint:(cgpoint)end 

silence 2 lines @ end:

// display buffer // glbindrenderbuffer(gl_renderbuffer, viewrenderbuffer); // [context presentrenderbuffer:gl_renderbuffer]; 

and after whole graph drawn onto buffer, call 2 lines display whole graph; appear instantly.
