angularjs - How to use Ui-datepicker in angular-formly? -

i want use ui-datepicker way. giving error: typeerror: cannot set property 'date' of undefined. how solve error?

var app = angular.module('edge', ['formly', 'formlybootstrap', 'ui.bootstrap']); {       var attribute={};   var attributes = [     'date-disabled',     'custom-class',     'show-weeks',     'starting-day',     'init-date',     'min-mode',     'max-mode',     'format-day',     'format-month',     'format-year',     'format-day-header',     'format-day-title',     'format-month-title',     'year-range',     'shortcut-propagation',     'datepicker-popup',     'show-button-bar',     'current-text',     'clear-text',     'close-text',     'close-on-date-selection',     'datepicker-append-to-body'   ];    var bindings = [     'datepicker-mode',     'min-date',     'max-date'   ];    var ngmodelattrs = {};    angular.foreach(attributes, function(attr) {      ngmodelattrs[camelize(attr)] = {attribute: attr};     });    angular.foreach(bindings, function(binding) {     ngmodelattrs[camelize(binding)] = {bound: binding};   });   console.log(ngmodelattrs);    formlyconfig.settype({     name: 'datepicker',     template: '<input class="form-control" ng-model="model[options.key]" is-open="to.isopen" datepicker-options="to.datepickeroptions" />',     wrapper: ['bootstraplabel', 'bootstraphaserror'],     defaultoptions: {       ngmodelattrs: ngmodelattrs,       templateoptions: {         addonleft: {           class: 'glyphicon glyphicon-calendar',           onclick: function(options, scope) {             options.templateoptions.isopen = !options.templateoptions.isopen;           }         },         onfocus: function($viewvalue, $modelvalue, scope) {  = !;         },         datepickeroptions: {}       }     }   });    function camelize(string) {     string = string.replace(/[\-_\s]+(.)?/g, function(match, chr) {       return chr ? chr.touppercase() : '';     });     // ensure 1st char lowercase     return string.replace(/^([a-z])/, function(match, chr) {       return chr ? chr.tolowercase() : '';     });   }   });       app.controller('maincontroller', function maincontroller(formlyversion)  {      var vm = this;       vm.model = {};      vm.options = {};      vm.form_submit=function(item_name){         console.log(item_name);      }        vm.rentalfields = [                        {                            template: '<hr /><div> <h1>payment</h1></div>'                        },                         {                            classname: 'row',                            fieldgroup: [                                         {                                             classname: 'col-xs-4',                                             type: 'datepicker',                                             key: 'process-date123',                                             templateoptions: {                                                 type: 'text',                                                 datepickerpopup: 'dd-mmmm-yyyy',                                                 label: 'process date:\n(mm/dd/yyyy):'                                         }                      }                     ]) 


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