angularjs - Why isn't my spline chart showing when using combo charts? -

so i'm using highcharts-ng angular create combination chart of spline chart , column chart formatted histogram show trends.

the way works on load of page, see histogram, , not spline. changing order nothing.

it looks though if have spline chart data hard-coded shows, using program add in data after service called in not work.

(function() {   'use strict';  angular     .module('app.widgets')     .directive('trends', trends);  trends.$inject = ['resultsservice'];  /* @nginject */  function trends() {     var ddo = {         restrict: 'ea',         templateurl: 'app/widgets/trends/trends.directive.html',         link: link,         scope: {             data: '=',             config: '='         },         controller: controller,         controlleras: 'vm',         bindtocontroller: true     };      return ddo;      function link(scope, element, attrs) {      }      function controller($scope, resultsservice) {          var vm = this;         var parent = $scope.widgetcontroller;         var size = {              height: angular.element('')[1].style.height - 20 ,             width: angular.element('')[1].style.width - 20         };          vm.histogram = {             chart: {                 zoomtype: 'xy'             },             title: {                 text: 'average monthly weather data tokyo'             },             subtitle: {                 text: 'source:'             },             xaxis: {                 categories: ['jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun',                     'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec'],                 crosshair: true             },             yaxis: { // primary yaxis                 labels: {                     style: {                         color: highcharts.getoptions().colors[2]                     }                 },                 title: {                     text: 'events',                     style: {                         color: highcharts.getoptions().colors[2]                     }                 }               },             tooltip: {                 shared: true             },             legend: {                 layout: 'vertical',                 align: 'left',                 x: 80,                 verticalalign: 'top',                 y: 55,                 floating: true,                 backgroundcolor: (highcharts.theme && highcharts.theme.legendbackgroundcolor) || '#ffffff'             },                  series: [{                     name: 'average',                     type: 'spline',                     data: [],                     marker: {                         enabled: true                     }                 }],               loading: false,             usehighstocks: false,             size: {                 height: size.height,                 width: size.width             }         };            vm.processchartdata = processchartdata; = {             charts: {             }         };            resultsservice.getdata().then(function(res) {    = {                 charts: {}             };     = processchartdata(res);              vm.histogram.xaxis.categories = [];             vm.histogram.series.push ({                 name: 'events per month',                 type: 'column',                 data: [],                 marker: {                     enabled: true                 }             });             console.log(vm.histogram.series);             angular.foreach(, function(v,k){                  vm.histogram.xaxis.categories.push(k);                 vm.histogram.series[1].data.push(v);                  });             vm.histogram.options = {                 plotoptions: {                  }             };             vm.histogram.options.plotoptions = {                  column: {                      borderwidth: 0.5,                     grouppadding: 0,                     shadow: true                   },              };             console.log(;             vm.histogram.xaxis.categories.sort();             var average = calculateaverage();             vm.histogram.series[0].data=average;              console.log(vm.histogram.series);               });          function swap(pos1, pos2){             var temp = vm.histogram.series[pos1];             vm.histogram.series[pos1] = vm.histogram.series[pos2];             vm.histogram.series[pos2] = temp;            }          function calculateaverage() {              var averagearray = [];             var total = 0;             angular.foreach(, function(v,k){                 console.log(v);                 total += v;             });             console.log((total/12.0).tofixed(2));             var average = (total/12.0).tofixed(2);              angular.foreach(vm.histogram.xaxis.categories, function(v,k){                 averagearray.push(average);              });             return averagearray;           }            function processchartdata(data) {             var output = {};             var months = {};             var dayofweek = {};             var epoch = {};                angular.foreach(data, function (value, index) {                 // month                 if (!months[value.eventdate.month]) {                     months[value.eventdate.month] = 1;                 }                 months[value.eventdate.month] += 1;                  // day of week                 if (!dayofweek[value.eventdate.dayofweek]) {                     dayofweek[value.eventdate.dayofweek] = 1;                 }                 dayofweek[value.eventdate.dayofweek] += 1;                  // day                 if (!epoch[value.eventdate.epoch]) {                     epoch[value.eventdate.epoch] = 1;                 }                 epoch[value.eventdate.epoch] += 1;               });             output.months = months;             output.dayofweek = dayofweek;             return output;         }         $scope.$on('gridster-item-resized', function(item){               var element = angular.element(item.targetscope.gridsteritem.$element[0]);              vm.histogram.size = {                 height: element.height()-35,                 width: element.width()             };             $scope.$broadcast('highchartsng.reflow');          });         }   }   })(); 

the chart on webpage looks given code!

as can see, shows legend spline, spline doesn't show up. can't figure out why.

your calculateaverage() function returns array of strings since .tofixed(2) returns string. make sure it's array of numbers. convert average number average = parsefloat(average) example.


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