ios - Animate UIImageView Diagonally -

i'd able animate uiimageview background in diagonal fashion. meaning background animate , scroll top left of screen towards bottom right of screen. ideally, continuous animation.

i have directions figured out, however, have seems take copy of background & animate on static background. causes weird effect.

see gif: enter image description here

here code:

var imageview = uiimageview()   override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()      self.setup();   }  func setup() {       self.imageview.frame = self.view.bounds     self.imageview.image = uiimage(named: "myimage.jpg")     self.view.addsubview(self.imageview)      self.scroll()   }  func scroll() {      var theimage = uiimage(named: "myimage.jpg")!     var pattern = uicolor(patternimage: theimage)     var layer = calayer()      layer.backgroundcolor = pattern.cgcolor      layer.transform = catransform3dmakescale(1,-1,1)     layer.anchorpoint = cgpointmake(0, 1)      var viewsize = self.imageview.bounds.size     layer.frame = cgrectmake(0,0, theimage.size.width + viewsize.width, viewsize.height)      self.imageview.layer.addsublayer(layer)      var startpoint = cgpointzero     var endpoint = cgpointmake(theimage.size.width, theimage.size.height + 15)      var animation = cabasicanimation(keypath: "position")     animation.timingfunction = camediatimingfunction(name: kcamediatimingfunctionlinear)     animation.fromvalue = nsvalue(cgpoint:startpoint)     animation.tovalue = nsvalue(cgpoint:endpoint)     animation.repeatcount = float.infinity     animation.duration = 1.0       layer.addanimation(animation, forkey: "position")  } 

is able figure out how make whole background scroll? need larger image, , scroll that? if case, contentmode of imageview need set at?


---- update

i've reworked code bit, , have working version of wanted. i'm curious feedback, i'm still not 100% comfortable animations in general (but i'm learning! :) )

-- removed whole background image in general, duncanc suggested wasn't serving purpose. now, i'm making image layer, trying make if sufficiently big, , looping animation. thoughts?

override func viewdidload() {     super.viewdidload()      self.scroll() }  func scroll() {      var theimage = uiimage(named: "myimage.jpg")!     var pattern = uicolor(patternimage: theimage)     var layer = calayer()     layer.backgroundcolor = pattern.cgcolor      layer.transform = catransform3dmakescale(1,-1,1)     layer.anchorpoint = cgpointmake(0, 1)      // i'm making view large here animation can keep running smoothly without     // showing behind our image     // there better way this?     var viewsize = cgsizemake(self.view.bounds.size.height * 10, self.view.bounds.size.width * 10)     layer.frame = cgrectmake(0,0, theimage.size.width + viewsize.width, viewsize.height)      self.view.layer.addsublayer(layer)     var startpoint = cgpointmake(-theimage.size.width, -theimage.size.height)     var endpoint = cgpointmake(0, 0)      var animation = cabasicanimation(keypath: "position")     animation.timingfunction = camediatimingfunction(name: kcamediatimingfunctionlinear)     animation.fromvalue = nsvalue(cgpoint:startpoint)     animation.tovalue = nsvalue(cgpoint:endpoint)     animation.repeatcount = float.infinity     animation.duration = 3.0       layer.addanimation(animation, forkey: "position")         } 

**result:*enter image description here

your code doesn't make lot of sense. have image view contains image myimage.jpg, , create calayer contains image pattern color. add layer image view , animate it's position.

just use uiview animation , animate center of image view directly. if you're using autolayout you'll need add horizontal , vertical position constraints, wire them iboutlets, , in animation block change constraints , call layoutifneeded() on image view's superview.


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