angularjs - Jasmine Testing angular directive with [^form] dependency -

i trying test directive, explained e.g. here

however, in directive use form, have in directive declaration object:

        return {             link: link,             restrict: 'e',             require: ['^form'], // <- have !!             scope: { //...             },             controller: function ($scope) {             //...             }         }; 

as such, when execute usual prerequisite jasmine test

element = '<mydirective/>'; element = $compile(element)(scope); 

i getting following dependency problem when trying run karma / jasmine test:

error: [$compile:ctreq] controller 'form', required directive 'mydirective', can't found!$compile/ctreq?p0=form&p1=mydirective

how can fixed?



, , use element.find('mydirective') find actual directive element.


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