ios - Parse Integrate Facebook Login -

     func application(application: uiapplication,         openurl url: nsurl,         sourceapplication: string?,         annotation: anyobject?) -> bool {             return fbsdkapplicationdelegate.sharedinstance.application(application,                 openurl: url,                 sourceapplication: sourceapplication,                 annotation: annotation)            }       } 

error message:() -> fbsdkapplicationdelegate!' not have member named 'application'

i have followed every step on facebook ios sdk , parse sdk enter link description here setup facebook error.

i got error message shown above. '()->fbsdkapplicationdelegate!' dose not have member named 'application'.

this bridge-header.h file looks like:

#ifndef tinderc_bridge_header_h #define tinderc_bridge_header_h  #import <fbsdkcorekit/fbsdkcorekit.h> #import <parsefacebookutilsv4/pffacebookutils.h>   #endif 

thank time , patient. appreciate help.


facebook's documentation might bit out of date, since updating sdk's light speed.

the call sharedinstance wrong in case, because sdk written in objective-c.

sharedinstance class method, not property on fbsdkapplicationdelegate, must call method (). see example below:

func application(application: uiapplication, openurl url: nsurl, sourceapplication: string?, annotation: anyobject) -> bool {         return fbsdkapplicationdelegate.sharedinstance().application(application, openurl: url, sourceapplication: sourceapplication, annotation: annotation)     } 

the following example works me.


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