Need to pass argument while accessing python json key -

i need access json file using command line argument

my code

######################################### import json import sys sys import argv pprint import pprint  open('cdh/cdh5.json') data_file:     data = json.load(data_file)  pprint(data['projects']['abcd']['track-branch'])  ################################################# 

so , instead of project abcd , need pass abcd command line while executing python script.

eg1: abcd

will : pprint(data['projects']['abcd']['track-branch'])

eg2: efgh

will : pprint(data['projects']['efgh']['track-branch'])

i tried doing this:-

pprint(data['projects']['sys.args']['track-branch']) gives me below error :

pprint(data['projects']['sys.argv']['track-branch']) keyerror: 'sys.argv' 

to access arguments pass in command line, need use sys.argv , have got correct.

but should use is, not pass string , doing.

also, sys.argv list of arguments command line, first element of sys.argv file executed (like ). need use second element. example -



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