html - Unicode symbol is not displaying in tooltip in chrome (43) or IE -

i have anchor tag title contains glyph symbol "☀", when place cursor on anchor display tooltip displays square instead of symbol.

i'm having problem in ie , chrome 43. seems work fine in firefox , chrome 45.

here's code:

<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="active elipsisforleftnav" id="csl_1" title="☀">☀</a> 

browsers typically handle tooltips passing them desktop environment's own tooltip interface, consistency rest of desktop. desktop render tooltip in own style own fonts, won't match fonts browser using. browser can render text using wider range of fonts desktop will.

font support u+2600 black sun rays isn't brilliant, makes dicey use in tooltip. renders ok me (on ubuntu/chrome) desktop windows desktop font segoe ui doesn't support it.

a workaround use 1 of many javascript tooltip replacement scripts. these take on title attributes , convert them hovering, positioned page elements when mouse on them. they're handled browser text renderer same fonts rest of page , can apply css (eg font-face embedding).


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